Introducing Enterprise Net Terms from Credit Key!  Net 30 now available for all business segments—from sole proprietors to enterprise brands. Learn more ➔
Introducing Enterprise Net Terms from Credit Key! Learn more ➔

Spread the
Word About Our Partnership

Educate your customers to drive awareness and increase orders.

What are the minimum requirements for raising awareness of our partnership?

Marketing our partnership drives your bottom line by:

  • Attracting new customers.
  • Increasing Sales.
  • Improving customer loyalty.
  • Differentiating your business.
  • Enhancing your reputation.

Optimized Checkout

Your B2B customer sees Credit Key as a payment option at point-of-purchase.


Instant Credit Decision*

Businesses complete an application in a couple minutes, and receive an instant credit decision.


Flexible Payments

Your customer selects the payment plan they prefer, from 30 days to 12 months.

What's Required?

Marketing our partnership drives your bottom line by:
1. Attracting new customers.
2. Increasing Sales.
3. Improving customer loyalty.
4. Differentiating your business.
5. Enhancing your reputation.

Product page promo widget

Increase conversion rates and drive sales

by adding Credit Key language to your product display pages. This is a proven method for encouraging customers to spend more time interacting with products and considering purchases. Increase conversion rates, drive sales, improve user experience, increase customer engagement, and enhance brand image.

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cart page promo widget

Amplify competitive advantage

by including Credit Key messaging in cart. You've taken the first step in setting your business apart from competitors by offering flexible financing options through Credit Key. Catering to the diverse needs of customers allows businesses to expand their customer base and increase overall sales.

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Checkout payment method

Flexible payment solution to drive conversion

For B2B customers who may have limited cash flow or a need to manage their finances, Credit Key provides a flexible payment solution that encourages them to complete the purchase. By providing the ability to pay for purchases over a longer period of time, Credit Key borrowers can better manage their finances and cash flow, which can be especially important for businesses with seasonal or fluctuating revenue.

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CK partnership Email Annoucement

Build trust and loyalty with your customers

by sending out an email blast to your customers, you are keeping them informed about the new partnership and the benefits it brings. This will help build trust and loyalty with your customers as they will appreciate being kept up-to-date on changes and improvements in your business. Providing information about Credit Key and offering your customers the opportunity to apply before entering conversations with your sales team is a primary driver of increased order frequency and order value.

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Google Analytics

Informed decisions based on the data

Measure effectiveness, optimize campaigns, improve the user experience, and promote transparency. By working together to analyze the data, we can make informed decisions that benefit both your business and Credit Key. By sharing your Google Analytics data with Credit Key, we can both measure the effectiveness of our partnership. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and engagement metrics to determine how well the partnership is working. Analyzing the data together will help us optimize campaigns to improve performance. For example, we can identify which channels and campaigns are driving the most traffic and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. By analyzing user behavior on your website, you can identify areas where the user experience can be improved. Sharing this data with Credit Key can help us tailor services to meet the needs of your customers, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sharing Google Analytics data with Credit Key promotes transparency and open communication. It allows both parties to see the impact of the partnership and make data-driven decisions based on the insights gained from the data.

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What's Recommended?

The business world is highly competitive, and there may be other companies offering similar BNPL services. Grow your business and expand your reach. By going above and beyond your contractual obligations, you can set yourself apart from the competition and increase your chances of success. Your reputation is critical in the B2B world. By exceeding expectations and delivering exceptional value, you can build a positive reputation and increase the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

On-site marketing

Visibility and awareness

The home page is the first page that visitors see when they arrive on your website. By prominently featuring your partnership with Credit Key on this page, you can increase visibility and ensure that visitors are aware of this important offering. Partnering with Credit Key can lend credibility to your business. By prominently featuring your partnership on your home page, you can demonstrate to potential customers that you are a reputable and trustworthy company.


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On-site Marketing

Better engagement and credibility

Placing an advertisement in the top banner of your homepage ensures that it is one of the first things that visitors see when they arrive on your site. This high visibility will draw attention to your Credit Key partnership and increase the likelihood that visitors will engage with your offering. Featuring this partnership prominently on a top banner, will lend credibility to your offering and your business.


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ON-site marketing

Better conversion with BNPL option

Product listings pages are often among the most frequently visited pages. By featuring your Credit Key partnership prominently on these pages, you can increase visibility and ensure that potential customers are aware of this offering. Providing information about Credit Key directly on product listings pages can improve the customer experience by making it easier for shoppers to understand their payment options and choose the best one for their needs. By advertising your partnership with Credit Key on your product listings pages, you can enhance your credibility and demonstrate to potential customers that you offer a trusted and reliable payment solution. Including information about BNPL options on your product listings pages can increase the likelihood that potential customers will make a purchase. By offering flexible payment options, you can make it easier for shoppers to complete a purchase, even if they are currently facing financial constraints.


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Email comunication

Building trust and relationship with your customers

Consistent email communications can help keep your customers informed and aware of your Credit Key partnership. By regularly communicating the benefits of this partnership and the flexible options available to them, you can increase awareness and encourage customers to take advantage of these offerings. Regular email communications can help you engage with your customers and build a stronger relationship with them. By providing valuable information about your Credit Key partnership and other relevant topics, you can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your customers. Consistent email communications can help foster customer loyalty by demonstrating that you are invested in their success and well-being. By regularly communicating with them and providing valuable information and resources, you can encourage customers to remain loyal to your business and continue to use your products and services.


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Social Media marketing

Vast audience reach and high engagement

Social media platforms offer a vast audience and can help increase visibility for your Credit Key partnership. By regularly posting about this partnership on social media, you can reach a wider audience and ensure that potential customers are aware of this offering. Social media is a highly engaging platform that can help you connect with your customers and build a stronger relationship with them. By posting regular updates and information about your B2B BNPL partnership, you can encourage engagement and interaction from your followers. Social media platforms offer advanced targeting options that can help you reach specific audiences that are most likely to be interested in your Credit Key partnership. By using targeted advertising, you can reach potential customers who are actively searching for flexible payment options and may be more likely to engage with your business.


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Why Go Above and Beyond?

Credit Key is an increasingly popular service, and there are likely to be many other businesses offering similar services. By going above and beyond in your marketing efforts, you can differentiate your business from competitors and attract more customers. Many businesses may not be aware of the benefits of using Credit Key, or may not even know that such services exist. By marketing your partnership and the benefits of Credit Key, you can raise awareness and educate potential customers on the advantages of using the service. A strong marketing effort can help build a positive and lasting relationship with your customers.

Product page promo widget

Why is a site wide top banner important

A site-wide top banner is prominently displayed at the top of your website, ensuring maximum visibility for your partnership with Credit Key. This can help to increase awareness of the partnership among your website visitors and potential customers. Provide a quick and convenient way for customers to access information about Credit Key and the terms and conditions of the service. This can help to streamline the checkout process and make it easier for customers to complete their purchases.

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cart page promo widget

Monthly Credit Key emails to customers

Regular emails can serve as reminders to your customers about Credit Key and its benefits, encouraging them to use it more often. This can help to increase adoption rates and drive sales. Monthly emails can also be used to highlight promotions related to Credit Key, encouraging customers to make purchases and increasing sales. By regularly updating your customers about Credit Key and other promotions, you can demonstrate that you value their business and are committed to providing them with the best possible service. Monthly emails can also be used to promote other products or services that may be of interest to customers, providing opportunities for cross-selling and upselling.

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Checkout payment method

Press Release

A press release can reach a wide audience, including journalists, bloggers, industry experts, and potential customers. This can help to increase awareness of your partnership and the benefits of the BNPL solution among a broader audience. Press releases are typically viewed as objective news stories, rather than marketing materials. By sharing your partnership through a press release, you can help to establish credibility and trust with your target audience. Press releases are often picked up by media outlets and shared across social media channels, increasing visibility for your partnership and reaching a wider audience. Press releases can also have SEO benefits, as they often include links back to your website and can improve your search engine rankings. This can help to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. By generating buzz around our partnership through a press release, you can increase brand recognition and establish your company as a leader in the industry.

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CK partnership Email Annoucement

Migrate Net Terms

By transferring net terms to Credit Key, you can eliminate the risk of non-payment or late payment from your customers. This can help to improve your cash flow and reduce the financial burden on your company. Offering Credit Key will improve the customer experience by providing flexible payment options that meet their needs. This can help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Offering Credit Key makes it easier for customers to make purchases, potentially increasing sales and revenue for your company. This is particularly true for customers who may not have been able to afford your products or services upfront. Transferring net terms to Credit Key will also provide additional support and resources to help you manage your accounts receivable and improve your cash flow. This includes access to reporting and analytics tools, as well as support from customer service representatives at Credit Key.

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Various people smiling and phone showing increase in order frequency and revenue due to Credit Key partnership

Why is it important to prioritize marketing?

Our most successful partners leverage these resources and prioritize educating their customers on the benefits of Credit Key. This is imperative to our mutual success and results like these:

Increased average order value by up to 841%

Boosted average order frequency by up to 29%

Improved conversion rates by up to 70%

Can we create our own marketing materials to advertise our partnership?

No one knows your customer base like you do. While we offer a various free marketing materials, some of our most successful partners have created their own custom marketing assets to speaks directly to the needs of their unique customers.